Final Days Of Shooting
Final Days of Shooting Coming up to the final days of shooting as well as the end of the film for the first deadline, I have the nightmare sequence, as well as the final escape scene to shoot and edit. I am planning to shoot both of these across two days and not have to reshoot any shots. To achieve this, I am planning the two shoots as carefully as I can with angles, perspectives, and important lines of dialogue. The nightmare sequence will give context to the reason why Ryan is being haunted and followed by Ella, by seeing him move throughout a dark house and eventually find a room lit with red lighting, showing Ella standing close to a window. The scene will show distorted imagery and quick cuts to other disturbing images to make the viewer feel on edge whilst the nightmare continues. Eventually, after reaching the red room, he will wake up after seeing Ella. The final scene will show Ryan escaping from a zombie threat that will chase him through an ab...